Month: August 2019

Tips For Getting Office Cleaning Contracts

online marketing for cleaning business

Not many years ago, marketing for some businesses like office cleaning meant filling office parks with flyers and giving out business cards.

However, those days are long gone and to get office cleaning contracts, you need to take a systematic approach that involves both traditional marketing like PR, referrals & networking and online marketing.

marketing materials

This can be quite challenging, but the opportunities for growing business that come with this approach is certainly worth the hard work.

Janitorial Services Marketing Strategy

If you wish to sell your office cleaning services in an efficient manner, you will first want to know your target market. For instance, if you’re looking to focus on small businesses, then you don’t want to direct your marketing efforts to huge establishments or corporations. Assess your current customer base and then concentrate on the most profitable clients as well as those who are satisfied with your services and give referrals.

If you have just launched your business, you may want to consult other janitorial businesses or those that fit your target market. It’s important to know what such clients want and this information will help you mold and tweak your marketing campaign. Develop a competitive rate and determine what services you should include in a standard office cleaning package.

You should also search for ways to make your business stand out. You want potential customers to see you in a distinct manner and not just a regular office cleaning company. For instance, you could implement an environmentally aware or green approach, which includes using cleaning products that are certified as eco-friendly and safe.

Digital and Online Marketing

According to The Janitorial Store, conventional clients do almost 60% of their decision making based on what they come across on the internet before reaching out to you. This is a stat that makes it imperative to have a robust and comprehensive online presence in order to market your business and manage your reputation. The key is to offer both existing and potential clients useful, relevant and up to date information. Utilize popular social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to reach out to potential clients with videos, articles as well as news regarding your services.

Create a site that includes a blog, where you can update your audience as well as a FAQs page where they can quickly get answers to the most common inquiries. You may feel intimidated if this is your first time, given you have to learn a lot of things including search engine optimization. However, do not let this discourage you as the rewards are certainly worth it. Also, in this day and age, getting those contracts requires a good online presence which is achieved by proper marketing and optimization. Hiring an experienced marketing agency to develop an effective SEO strategy is well worth the investment.

Conventional Means

We may call them traditional, but some of these marketing techniques are still useful today. Encouraging your clients to refer you to other individuals is one such example. You can ideally ask them for honest reviews and testimonials which you can post on your website and social media pages.

Networking is another handy approach. You should make the effort to participate in social and charitable events. Donate and sponsor charitable groups and your word will spread to other businesses and individuals in the area. This will make your name pop-up every time an office requires cleaning.

Closing The Deal

Generating deals via online marketing, networking, referrals and advertising are just a few of the elements that your strategy should consist of.

It’s important that you close the deal with a potential client and this is where walk-through comes into the picture. Each business premises is unique and it’s almost never possible to determine the tasks required or even the price until you inspect the space and talk with the client.

Assess the rooms and features like windows and floor coverings. Ask the potential customer what they want to be done. Ask how often they need the premise to be cleaned, when the tasks are to be done as well as their budget. This information will help you create a schedule and pricing that matches the needs of the client. A cleaning check list would be helpful for this process

Here’s a few more tips from an experience house cleaner …

How To Deep Clean Your Carpets Without Chemicals?

family room carpeting

Chances are the majority of you have searched online for “How to remove stains from a carpet!”

Carpet stains are common in homes with pets, kids or just a klutzy friend.

wine glass tipping over and spilling

Some of these solutions may involve hiring a professional carpet cleaner while others may suggest various chemical concoctions as a solution to removing stubborn stains from carpets.

If you already buy organic products for your family from the grocery store or the farmer’s market, it may seem a bit odd to pour unknown chemicals onto the carpet every time a spill occurs. Your kid may play on the carpet while the beloved pet might cuddle up on it. Why should you expose your kids and pets to harsh chemicals while they play on it? That’s where organic carpet cleaning comes in handy. Here are five methods of cleaning your carpet without harsh chemicals. You will have a fresh spotless home and peace of mind by using these carpet cleaning techniques.

Vinegar-Based Carpet Cleaner

White distilled vinegar is a secret weapon that every homeowner should have in their kitchen. White vinegar, baking soda, and salt can be used to effectively remove stubborn stains from your carpets.

Essential Oils

Baking soda and essential oils can be used to prepare an effective carpet cleaning solution to remove stubborn stains from your carpet. Use half a cup of baking soda with 10 drops of your preferred essential oil to quickly deodorize the carpets. Sprinkle the solution over the stain and leave it for at least half an hour, and vacuum the carpet. You can also use this method to clean the mats in your car.

Carpet Cleaning Machine

You can run a vacuum over the stain in four different directions or spot clean the area. Most of the time, you will need a carpet cleaning machine to remove a stubborn stain. If your home is fully carpeted and you have kids and pets, a carpet cleaning machine is the best solution to clean your carpets. If the carpets are not in a high-traffic area, you can think about renting a carpet cleaning machine. But you shouldn’t buy any carpet cleaning liquids recommended by these machines. Instead, you can prepare the cleaning solution that is listed here.

Homemade Detergent Cleaner

With this highly effective carpet cleaning solution, you will save money and know what exactly is going into the cleaning solution. This solution includes stain removers and detergents and costs around $1 per gallon. With this solution, you will at least know what is going into the product.

Hire A Green Carpet Cleaning Professional

If you don’t have the confidence or time to prepare your own homemade carpet cleaning solution, you should think about hiring a local Toronto carpet cleaning service. With so many carpet cleaning services on the market, choosing the right one isn’t easy. There are many things to look for in a good carpet cleaning service.

Thankfully, more carpet cleaning services are becoming eco-friendly these days.

You should choose the right cleaning company that claims to use organic and chemical-free cleaning solutions.

How To Refinish Hardwood Floors

living room hardwood floors

Have you ever imagined yourself finding buried treasure in your home?

In recent years, homeowners have embraced the “modern” look and covered their hardwood floors with either carpet or vinyl. Now that hardwood floors are back in style, it can be a good time to check your floors. In case it turns out that the floor was one of those buried treasures, we can offer you tips for putting it back on display. However, you should be warned: this project requires a lot of patience, time, and hard work.

Prior to Starting:

Check the gaps between your floor planks. If you find that they are widening and you are able to see the nails holding the floor down, you shouldn’t even bother trying to refinish your floor.

Newer hardwood floors sometimes have a thickness of 0.25-inch with a laminate coating on top. Such floors cannot be refinished and sanded. If you try, you will probably wear away your entire floor.

It is also important to realize that it is easier to refinish some floors than others. Oak and pine, which are the most common, tend to be relatively easy to work with. Harder woods such as mahogany, maple, and walnut require more time.

Warning: Older vinyl floors might contain asbestos, either in the adhesive or the backing. You should first check with a licensed asbestos contractor before you remove the vinyl floor to ensure that the floor is safe for removal.


Step 1: Remove the existing floor.

You shouldn’t worry about keeping it all in one piece unless you have plans to reuse it. If fact, it will probably be easier to cut your flooring into sections so that the task becomes easier to handle. If adhesive was used on the existing floor, use some adhesive remover over any remaining adhesive and scrape it up. Doing this will help save you a lot of time in the long run.

Step 2: Remove the trim and moulding from the walls using a pry bar and wide-blade putty knife.

Exercise caution when removing these especially if they are still in good shape since they can be reused. You might have to cut a line in the paint between the wall and the trim using a utility knife.

Step 3: Remove as much debris and dirt from the floor as you can

You should also remember to check it for any nail heads that might be protruding that might tear your sandpaper. Use a nail to countersink the nail heads about 0.25inch below the floor’s surface.

Step 4: Dust Protection

The fact that sanding produces a lot of dust is hardly surprising. You can reduce cleanup time by isolating the room you are currently working on from the rest of your house. Close as many doors as possible and use plastic sheeting to cover them up. You should also cover windows, heating ducts, open door frames, shelves, and cabinets. Hold the sheeting in place using painter’s tape to ensure that it will be relatively easy to remove.

Use painter’s tape to cover all switches and wall outlets too. If you have a suspended light fixture, use a plastic bag to wrap it before you start sanding. You require adequate ventilation when sanding and even when applying the new finish. You can draw fresh air into the room using a box fan. You should also practice on a large piece of plywood until you are comfortable using the sander.


1. Once you are done with the preparations, attach 20-grit sandpaper to the sander and start sanding.

– Work in sections measuring 2’ by 4’.

– Move in a straight path following the direction of the boards.

– Avoid grooves and dents in the wood by keeping the sander in motion at all times

– Once you are ready to begin sanding another row, overlap the previous one by one plank.

– Check the sandpaper frequently to ensure that it is not worn out or clogged.

– Keep your sander’s bag emptied regularly if it has a dust collecting system.

– Avoid pushing the sander; let it do the work. Your job is just to steer it as it pushes itself along.

2. Once you have finished sanding the main portion of the room, you now need to bring out the edge sander. Use a semicircular motion as opposed to moving the edge sander back and forth along the wall to avoid gouging the wood. Let the sander overlap a previously sanded area to ensure that it blends in.

3. Use sandpaper and a razor-sharp wood scraper in hard-to-reach areas such as corners to sand all the way to bare wood.

4. The initial sanding will actually raise the grain of the wood. Use 60-grit sandpaper to repeat the sanding procedure to get rid of scratches and blemishes. Start at the opposite end of the room from where you started sanding the first time.

5. You require a power buffer for your third and final sanding. Attach a 120-grit sanding pad to the buffer and use an irregular sweeping motion to work it across the grain. Start at the opposite side of the room from where you started the second sanding and cover the whole floor. To ensure proper coverage, overlap areas that have just been sanded. Still, you need to be careful to avoid over-sanding.

6. Spot-check the floor to ensure that you haven’t missed any areas. If you find any missed spots, use fine-grit sandpaper to hand-sand them until they match the rest of the floor.

7. Now that you have finished sanding, it is now clean-up time. Use an industrial grade vacuum to remove fine dust particles from the floor. Industrial vacuums typically come with a soft-bristle hardwood floor attachment. In case yours does not have one, attach painter’s tape to the edges of the floor attachment to ensure that it does not scratch up the floor. For the best performance, check and change the filter on the vacuum cleaner frequently.

8. Once you have finished vacuuming the floor, remove all the plastic sheeting and tape from around the room, and vacuum everything else i.e. walls, outlets, windows, cabinets, etc. Be as thorough as possible since dust can cause rough spots in case it gets into your sealant. Finish by using a wet cloth to wipe everything and vacuuming the floor one last time.

The Big Finish

kitchen hardwood floor

1. Now that you have finished sanding and cleaning, it is time to expose the floor’s beauty. To start the sealant application process, use a 4-inch Chinese bristle brush for cutting in the areas around the room’s perimeter. Work in the direction of the wood grain and cover an area about 12-inches from the wall towards the room’s center.

2. Once you have finished the perimeter, you can start covering the rest of the floor. Apply your sealant using a lambs-wool applicator. To ensure proper coverage, overlap the areas where you earlier cut in.

3. Let the sealant dry for 24 hours and then use a power buffer to buff it. Vacuum the residue then apply another coat using the same procedure as before. You can use the same procedure for applying the sealant to stain the floor. However, you should keep in mind that this will extend the project by about 1 day. If you are not sure whether to use a water-based or oil-based sealant, you should consult a professional. It is usually just a matter of personal preference. If you opt for the oil-based sealant, you will require a respirator during application.

The Only Janitorial Checklist You’ll Ever Need

cleaning checklist

If you can tackle all the duties listed in this office checklist,

you’ll never need to look at another one ever again.

Cleaning a commercial office isn’t easy. It takes a lot of commitment on your part. While there are many teams involved in commercial cleaning, it isn’t easy to stand out and make your service look fantastic. A commercial office cleaning checklist is a great way to handle such responsibilities. When a customer hires you to clean an office, he or she may have hundreds of things in his/her mind. When you give them a comprehensive office cleaning checklist, they can use it to determine their needs and become your employer as well as a partner in the process. Both of you want the best for the office environment.

Our comprehensive commercial office cleaning checklist got you covered.

It will show your client what is involved in cleaning a commercial office space.

For the convenience of both parties, we have broken down the checklist into common office areas that need to be cleaned.

Commercial Office Cleaning Checklist: Reception

The reception should be kept in pristine shape at all times since it is the first place customers would see when they walk into your office. It is your company’s first impression. The appearance of the reception will impact the status of your business. Daily cleaning and a few spot checks during the day are important to keep the reception area clean.

. Make sure the welcome mats are dusted, swept or mopped and kept tidy.
. If there are glass doors in the front, clean them on both sides.
. Empty all the trash bins and replace liners.
. Make the coffee table look presentable and straighten magazines.
. Wipe down the reception counter, telephone, and desk using a disinfectant. Wipe the coffee table and other furniture in the room.
. Sweep, mop, and vacuum the floors. Clean the carpets on the floor every couple of months.
. Dust the chairs, tables, lamps, vents, window shades, and other surfaces in the room.

Commercial Office Cleaning Checklist: Cubicles/Offices

. Dust cabinets, shelves, and all other hard surfaces.
. Dust computer monitors, keyboards, and other computer equipment.
. Empty trash receptacles and replace liners.
. Wipe down desks, phones, and chair arms with a disinfectant. Clean the earpieces of the phones as well.
. Return any office kitchenware like plates, utensils, and mugs to the kitchen.
. Dust windows, blinds, shades, and window sills.
. Vacuum, mop, and sweep the floor area.
. Clean window glass and all other glass surfaces.
. Dust the HVAC vents.

Commercial Office Cleaning Checklist: Kitchen/Break Area

. Empty the refrigerator of all the unclaimed items. Tell people to label the things they want to keep in the refrigerator.
. Wipe the shelves of the refrigerator with a disinfectant.
. Wipe the counters of the refrigerator with a disinfectant.
. Empty and clean the coffee maker.
. Make the items on the counter-top look more presentable.
. Clean the sink and faucet with a disinfectant.
. Wash all the dirty dishes left inside the sink.
. Empty the trash receptacles and replace liners.
. Vacuum, sweep and mop the floors.

Commercial Office Cleaning Checklist: Bathroom

. Disinfect the washbasin, paper towel dispensers, and hand-dryers.
. Empty the trash receptacles and disinfect them. Disinfect any sanitary napkin dispensers in the bathroom.
. Disinfect the toilet seat as well as the toilet paper dispenser.
. Use a glass cleaner to wipe down the mirror over the washbasin.
. Brush and clean the toilet bowl using a toilet bowl cleaner.
. Make sure the hand dryer works properly.
. Refill the soap dispenser, toilet papers, and paper towels.
. Mop and sweep the bathroom floor using a disinfectant solution.

Commercial Office Cleaning Checklist: Some Things You Need To Keep In Mind

Remember to always double-check your work. There are so many cleaning tasks that overlap from room to room in your office. Make sure you notice all little things such as the trash receptacle liners because they are easy to overlook when you are busy at work.

Clean the HVAC vents and under the desks whenever you can. Likewise, cabinet tops, light fixtures, closets, and public areas should all be dusted and kept in good condition each time to complete a cleaning job.

How to Create Your Own Cleaning Checklist

Make sure you consider the ultimate needs of your customer.

Put yourself in their shoes and determine whether you like what you see.

If you don’t like what you see, they probably won’t like it too.

If you need another fifteen minutes on the job to retain a client, those fifteen minutes are well-spent and your client will appreciate it.